Video: Inside the Passion: John McGuinness part two

The second episode of Inside the Passion: John McGuinness, created by actor and bike fan Andrew Shim, has been released on Youtube.

In the second episode Andrew continues his interview with John, and the Morecambe-based rider reveals he once punched Brazilian MotoGP rider Alex Barros during the British GP.


Andrew also joins the McGuinness family as they enjoy a day of off-road riding, and accompanies John to the Classic TT and to Ireland, where he tries Bruce Anstey’s RC213V-S for size.

Andrew created both parts of the documentary (the first of which can be seen here) on a shoestring budget, sleeping in John’s van, squeezing into the backseat of his car and grabbing whatever food he could out of John’s fridge.

Speaking about the film on the Inside the PAssion Facebook page, Andrew said: “I’m actually sad to be posting this cause it means it’s all over, but here it is! It’s been such an amazing experience filming this episode and kick starting my new series! Unbelievably lucky to have had the chance to film with someone I’ve been a fan of for so many years and be able to call him a friend!

“Massively grateful to John and Becky for their generosity and for looking after me for the past year, and more importantly allowing us all in to their lives! I once said to John, If he never raced bikes, and I met him in a completely different environment, I’d still say he’s a legend!!! Hope you guys enjoy it.”


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Liam Marsden

By Liam Marsden

Former MCN Web Producer