Artist strips off for third edition of TT Milestones calendar

By Simon Patterson
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Motorcycling fan and artist Rachael Clegg has once again stripped off for the 2015 edition of her ‘TT Milestones’ calendar. Now in its third edition, the calendar features twelve shots from famous landmarks of the TT course.

“We took new pictures this year, which I am really pleased with. I was in a nasty hit-and-run accident before Christmas and knocked off my push bike so I wasn’t even sure we’d be able to make another calendar. But after lots of training to get my strength back we did it. I am so happy with the results and it’s thanks to my team – photographer and good friend Shaz Nicol, that we could pull this off.”

“Everything in the calendar means something. My father and grandfather were TT racers so that course is so special to me. I wanted to celebrate some of the womderful stories that form the race’s history so, for example, the ‘March’ image shows me in giant comedy glasses taking an eye test at Ballig Bridge. This is because it as here where Harold Daniell had a crash during practice in 1938. Yet in that year’s Junior TT Daniell smashed the 90mph record, in spite of the fact his eyesight was so poor he wore glasses under his goggles and was refused to serve in the army because of his bad vision.”

The calendar is available now at for £20 (£23.95 P&P). 

Simon Patterson

By Simon Patterson

MotoGP and road racing reporter, photographer, videographer