McGuinness to return to TT with Mugen electric power

By Simon Patterson
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John McGuinness will return to the TT Zero race at the Isle of Man TT in 2015 powered once again by Mugen technology. The twenty one time TT winner looks set to line up alongside Bruce Anstey as he remains with a team he admits he loves being a part of.

“W had a bit of a journey together over the past few years! It’s ok for us to turn up for a fortnight and thrash them around, but there’s a hell of a big project going on behind the scenes too. When you work with people with the credibility they have you see that; we’re not talking about any old Japanese bloke – we’re talking about Mr Honda himself!”

With the pace of the electric bikes matching the Supertwin class this year – albeit over one lap instead of three – the record looks set to climb even higher in 2015; maybe even reaching the 120mph average mark as the Honda subsidy continues to develop their Shinden bike.

“I think they’re going to build a new bike. They never stand still, it’s always moving forwards, and they’re predicting some serious lap times – which is scary! Winning it again this year was cool, something to be proud of, and hopefully we’ll have another good battle with old Brucey boy – I’m sure he’s got some unfinished business there himself after this year!”

Simon Patterson

By Simon Patterson

MotoGP and road racing reporter, photographer, videographer