MotoGP: KTM enjoy successful test at Brno

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The KTM test team of Karel Abraham and newly-appointed permanent test rider Mika Kallio have completed another successful test of the new RC16 MotoGP machine at the Czech Republic’s Brno circuit.

Taking to the track close to the Austrian manufacturer’s base, the pair were able to complete a rigorous program of testing, with Kallio admitting that the bike is finally starting to feel like he wants it to.

“For me this test in Brno was a bit better than in Misano. The bike is beginning to behave more and more as I would like it to do and is easier to ride. Firstly because the electronics are engaging better and secondly because we made changes to the front fork and the bike is easier for me to steer.

“But currently I see the greatest potential in the chassis, where we have again tested a lot and we now have a better understanding how the individual changes impact on each other. There is still a long way to go and usually nothing happens overnight, but we are moving forward with each round of tests.”

And, with perfect weather at the track that will host August’s Czech round of the series, KTM’s Technical Director Onroad Sebastian Risse says that progress is coming quickly.

“In Misano we had really good test conditions for the first time and we collected an unbelievable amount of information that took us in a broad direction. The preparation time between the tests was not long but we were able to react and also work on specific things here in Brno.

“That is, on the one hand we were able to make tangible progress concerning the rigidity of the swing arm and the frame. On the other, there was further development in the area of electronics, which needs normal track conditions and tires.”

Simon Patterson

By Simon Patterson

MotoGP and road racing reporter, photographer, videographer