No New Year weight loss for Hiroshi Aoyama

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While millions of people embark on a weight loss regime for the New Year, reigning 250GP world champion Hiroshi Aoyama is looking to do the opposite.

The Japanese rider has embarked on a rigorous training routine aimed at building up his strength ahead of his first assault on the MotoGP world championship.

Aoyama has tested the Interwetten Honda RC212V in Valencia and Malaysia prior to Christmas and since has been back at his European base in Barcelona working tirelessly to gain weight.

He said: “I am back in Barcelona and I’m training for the MotoGP class. I’m doing cycling and swimming and I am in the gym to work with weights.

“I will have to gain some weight for MotoGP and I try to do this with muscle building training. In about one week I will travel to Malaysia for the next test.

“I want to be there a bit in advance to adapt to the hotter climate and to have another close look at the circuit. I have to admit that Sepang is not really my favourite track.”

While Aoyama is in Europe, his crew are currently in Japan at HRC building up the 2010 RC212V bikes he will campaign this season.

Mechanics from LCR and Gresini are also in Japan and Aoyama’s crew chief Crew chief Tom Jojic said: “The first meeting with HRC and the other satellite teams was very positive.

“Also the bike gives a very good impression. We will try to collect as much data as possible in the coming days when we are working on the new bike in the HRC workshop.

“The good thing is that all teams are starting at the same level. All Honda bikes are identical.

“After the start of the season this will change regarding support Honda gives to the factory teams. But actually we all start at zero.”

Matthew Birt

By Matthew Birt