Brno MotoGP: Aragon on standby for crucial test

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Poor weather that had threatened Monday’s crucial test session at the Brno circuit might see the session cancelled and run next month at the new Motorland Aragon track in Spain.

Teams will meet at 9am on Monday morning to discuss the possibility of any meaningful testing depending on weather conditions.

Forecasts have predicted rain for Monday’s test session, though latest weather reports suggest the scheduled post race Czech Republic test will take place in mostly sunny conditions.  

But if rain does materialise, it is likely that the test will be scrapped and run on the Monday after the inaugural Motorland Aragon race on September 20.

The Brno test is one of the most important of the year, with nearly all factories rolling out several new parts for the remainder of the season.

Manufacturers also use the test, one of only two days available now under cost-cutting measures, to get early information on 2011 prototype parts.

Yamaha has a new YZR-M1 engine to test while Honda will evaluate a new RC212V V4 engine and chassis. Suzuki also has a range of new parts including bodywork, electronics, engine and chassis to test.

Matthew Birt

By Matthew Birt