James Toseland undergoing hospital checks after crash

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James Toseland has been taken by ambulance to a Cadiz hospital for precautionary checks following a massive crash in Jerez this afternoon.

The British rider momentarily lost consciousness when he high-sided his Tech 3 Yamaha YZR-M1 at exiting Turn Three during the televised 45-minute BMW shootout.

Tech 3 Yamaha team boss Herve Poncharal told MCN that Toseland had been talking prior to his departure for hospital and that initial checks had shown he had broken no bones in the crash.

Toseland had felt well enough to stay at the circuit but doctors have decided to send the 28-year-old for precautionary head scans in nearby Cadiz. 

The crash happened at just over 85mph according to data and the team confirmed he was on his first flying lap on the softer of two Bridgestone tyres available.

It was a carbon copy of his crash during the opening winter test session in Sepang, Malaysia back in early February.

Matthew Birt

By Matthew Birt