Elias and Stoner clear the air

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Toni Elias has held clear the air talks with Casey Stoner after the pair got involved in an on-track skirmish for the third race in a row.

Having incurred the wrath of Stoner, Valentino Rossi, Alex Barros and Nicky Hayden for separate incidents in Turkey and China, the 24-year-old Spaniard was on the end of another attack in Le Mans from Ducati rider Stoner.

But MCN has learned Elias went to Stoner’s motorhome on Saturday night to thrash out their differences.

Before their chat though Stoner had been upset with Elias after they’d tangled on Friday in Le Mans.

The 21-year-old said: “Toni was slowing down waiting for me to pass him, so he could get a tow again. He’s dangerous. 

“I expected him to let me pass, then he come across the front of me. Again it was very dangerous and something needs to happen about this. I don’t know what his deal is, but he doesn’t understand he’s doing anything wrong.

“He doesn’t realise he could actually cause a big accident. He’s had a few problems already with a few riders this year and someone should say something to him and calm him down a bit.”

Stoner was forced into the gravel trap but Elias vigorously defended himself after the incident, claiming he is being wrongly tagged the bad boy of MotoGP.

The Gresini Honda rider said: “Every race at the moment he says something about me. Casey always speaks about me, but I think Casey has problems with everybody and not only me. 

“I do my job what Casey has to do is concentrate on his own work and not on me. It is every weekend the same history with him. He criticises me all the time and I am tired about what Casey said.

And the 24-year-old added: “I was in front. I braked very late, on the limit but Casey broke 20 metres later.

“He passed me on the outside and touched the grass. That’s his problem and not mine. But I have to spoken to him now so for me that’s it.”


Matthew Birt

By Matthew Birt