Cadwell campsite fire

By peter breckon
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At about 4-00pm on sunday I was awaken to the sound of cracking I looked out of my tent to see a car on fire. I jumped straight out and alerted others around me, the fire started to spread fast, me and my mates started to up root tents as fast as we could to stop it spreading without much success, we looked around for fire buckets and extinguishers- not one on the campsite!

a fire jeep turned up from track side to help put the fire out we had to wait 20 minites for the fire brigade to come from louth and horncastle. this was wrong- why did the organisers put us on 4 inch stubble, it was a accident waiting to happen.

I’m just glad no one was hurt, me and my mates lost everything, we were told to go buy a tent and we would get rembursed. At 4-00pm on a sunday? right! loads of shops open ha ha

Four lads had to do a 320 round trip to get spare bike keys as the alarm fobs had melted. The best thing the organisers offered was a 20 pound refund on our weekend but we had to surrender our wristbands and tickets. 3 lads lost tickets in the fire!

We’ve been going to cadwell park for the past 10 years and never been treated like this before, who pays for all our gear that was lost?

Lastly I would like to thank all the other campers for their concerns and hospitality. Thanks a million to you true bike fans.

peter breckon

Reader's article

By peter breckon