Endurance: Lowes blown away by Suzuka experience

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Alex Lowes has admitted that he’s been blown away by the event and with the response he and his Yamaha Factory Racing teammates Pol Espargaró and Kats Nakasuga received on winning the prestigious race.

The trio cruised to victory on the defending machine, never looking to be rivalled all weekend long. But, with the race counting for so much to the Japanese manufacturers, the World Superbike rider admitted he’s been stunned by the response.


“The whole week for me has been fantastic. It’s a totally different experience to my normal championship, and the atmosphere we’ve had in the team and the relationship both on and off the track has been really enjoyable.

“The feeling you get when you win has been fantastic, and it’s been a couple of years since I’ve felt that happy!”

He’s also been tipped for future success at Suzuka by teammate Espargaró, who will not return next year after signing a deal to move to KTM’s new MotoGP squad. But he says that the all-conquering R1 will be in safe hands with Lowes.

“I’m sure Alex will compete the race again next year! From the start of the test, we’ve all worked so hard, and we deserved to win. We had such an amazing feeling with the riders; last year it was good but this year it was really special.”

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Simon Patterson

By Simon Patterson

MotoGP and road racing reporter, photographer, videographer