Mike 'Spike' Edwards is first ACU Certified Road Racing Coach.
As of 1st September 2008 – Mike Edwards will be the first and to date only, independant ACU Certified Road Racing Commercial Coach. Mike Edwards is a traditional mentor – a competitor with over 26 years race experience, 4 British Championship titles, and wins at the NorthWest200 and Macau Grand Prix, with his in depth experience winning on the Roads, and at World and European level – his experience and history in the sport runs deep.
This isn’t some namby pamby, “ I’m famous, with a few British Championship titles so I know how to do it… ” type of thing – Mike has undertaken the formal ACU coaching course, found out about psychology and nutrition – done lots of homework and had to acquire a first aid qualification. Coaching – it’s a bizarre thing – every Olympic gold medallist had his/her coach stood at their side; and if you wanted to play serious tennis, the first thing you would do is join a club and get a coach. Even Tiger Woods still works with his.
Dave Luscombe, head of the ACU Training Department said, “Mike is the perfect ambassador for road race coaching. I can think of no better person to have as a coach and the news that Mike will be the first commercial road race coach should be seen as a fantastic opportunity for anyone wishing to develop their racing skills” The ACU Coach Certification Programme was launched in 2003 with the aim of developing a professional coach structure for British Motorcycle Sport. Whilst the off road sports have embraced the project enthusiastically with over 25 commercial ACU Certified off road sporting motorcycle coaches, the road race scene has been far less dynamic. The ACU is naturally delighted with the news that Mike Edwards will be the first ACU Certified Commercial Road Race Coach. As one of the most successful and experienced motorcycle road racers in the country, Mike has so much to give to new riders and those wishing to improve their skills. Indeed, there can be few racers anywhere with as many racing miles as Mike.”