Jorge Lorenzo Jerez crash pictures

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Hi, on Tues 28th I Packed my camera and sun tan cream, then set off to watch MotoGP testing at Jerez, i live near Malaga so it is just a quick 2hr blast down the motorway.

I love the Spanish! 3 euros entry to the Circuito Velocidad, clean toilets and great coffee. The main X1 Tribune stand was open that gives a great view of the last 5 bends or so.

The weather was amazing about 18deg and not a cloud in the sky, plenty of people had turned up to watch, there must have been about a thousand or so. After about an hour into the test I was just about to put my camera down and enjoy the sun when i heard the sound of fairing hitting the tarmac!

I grabbed the camera and just pointed it in the direction of the noise, It ws easy to identify Jorge as his bike and leathers were all white. Jorge was on his feet straight away and once the crowd realised he was okay they went nuts cheering and clapping him.

He was quickly picked up by a scooter and gave us all a wave as he went back to the pits. I have included some low res pictures, i have them in full RAW format from my Nikon D80. If you want any of the photos let me know.


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By littleolly