ACU monitoring foot and mouth situation

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The ACU are closely monitoring the current foot and mouth situation – even though the outbreak is very localised at present.

Off Road motorcycle sport is dependant on the goodwill of farmers for the use of their land and, as in 2001, the ACU Clubs and Centres will take the necessary action if required.

In 2001, road race and speedway circuits carried on operating, permanent motocross circuits not on agricultural land continued to operate unless in affected areas, but grasstrack, trials and enduro competition were virtually halted for a period of time.

Jim Parker, Chairman of the Auto Cycle Union, the Governing Body of Motor Cycle Sport in the Great Britain, expressed the ACU’s sympathy to all farmers who may be affected by the latest outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

Jim Parker said: “I can only imagine the fear of all farmers that this latest outbreak will give to the agricultural industry, but the ACU and it’s affiliated clubs offer all their support during these initial stages. 

“As before, we will be liaising with both DEFRA nationally and landowners locally and will obviously co-operate fully to their requirements.”

Gary Pinchin

By Gary Pinchin