Jail for riding minimoto

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A man has been sentenced to 180 days in jail for riding a minimoto while drunk.

George Kaiser will is facing time behind bars as a result of the US’s three-strikes-and-your-out rule. He already has convictions for drink driving, according to North Jersey.com

He will appeal with his lawyers attempting to make the case that a minimoto “is nothing more than a toy” so shouldn’t count as a motor vehicle.

He’s also landed a 10 year ban and a $1000 dollar fine.

In the UK, a student from Devon is thought to be the first person convicted of riding a minimoto when drunk. Tom Robinson, studying motor sport technology at Hertfordshire University, was stopped by police in the early hours of the morning on December 21, 2005. He was almost two times over the legal limit.

Robinson has since been banned from driving for 16 months and fined £120.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff