ACU offer mini-bike help

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The ACU supports a recent warning by the Motor Cycle Industry Association advising on the safe way to enjoy mini bikes, and is working to help parents and children ride responsibly.

Complaints about illegal riding are increasing across the country and many police forces are targetting mini bikes, even confiscating and crushing machines.

Mini-bikes, whether on, or off-road, are designed to give youngsters their first taste of motorcycling and may be an introduction into competing in a wide variety of motorcycle sports, as shown by the success of Valentino Rossi. However, they are only for use on private property and with the permission of the landwner. Care should also be taken not to buy a poor quality imported bike.

If you need help on where to ride your mini bike, try our track list, right, or contact the ACU on 01788-566400, who will be able to advise on the best places to ride and clubs to join.

The ACU are also urging local authorities to provide areas in which tarmac mini-bikes can be used legally and safely. the ACU can assist in starting a new club and offering insurance, training and risk assessment procedures. For more information, contact the Local Authority Support Unit on 01788-566419.

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff