Jefferies to ride in British supermoto championship

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David Jefferies may still be without a ride in BSB this season, but he will be at least be appearing in at least one British championship after signing to the Vertemati factory Supermoto team.

Jefferies, 29, is still planning to race a superbike this season, although his V&M team has yet to confirm its plans. But he will definitely ride the hand-built 570cc Vertemati in the new British Supermoto championship when ever his short circuit and TT commitments allow.

He said: ” I love riding Supermoto. At first I rode during the winter as it keeps you race fit, not just physically, but your mind too. I think that this is going to be a big year for the sport. We’ve got a proper championship at proper venues, with guys doing their best to promote the sport properly. ”

Jefferies is confident that V&M will find the funds to take him back to BSB this year. He added: ” We still need a main sponsor. I know that they are working hard to get the money together and hopefully we’ll be out there. ”

Jefferies’ Vertemati career got off to an inauspicious start when he twisted his knee in a low speed crash at Mallory Park last weekend.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff