Staff Blog: Running In or Running Out!!

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I arrived back from my trip to Normandy with the bike a little over the first service mileage of 600 so instead of being out in the lovely sunshine, getting more miles under my belt and practising my skills, the bike’s been in the garage waiting for a quick trip to Yamaha.

It’s not a bad thing that I’m stuck at home, I’ve been busy ‘carb loading’ and resting up because today I’m running the Milton Keynes Marathon in aid of London’s Air Ambulance. As you can imagine bikes are a big part of my life and unfortunately both work colleagues, friends and, closest to home, my husband Mark have needed Air Ambulances to save their lives. It wasn’t until Mark’s accident that I found out Air Ambulances are charity based and cost in the region of £5000 a day to be kept in the air. To keep myself busy while Mark was rehabilitating I pledged to raise funds for them, enrolling family and friends who’ve cycled, run and organised car boot sales. The marathon is my biggest challenge to date and if you fancy sponsoring a good cause please feel free to click on my link

Hopefully by the time you read this I’ll be back at home enjoying a well earned gin and tonic watching Oulton Park BSB and looking forward to getting back out on the Fazer8!