Staff bikes: Victory Hammer S - Hey you, pipe down at the back!

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The genuine Victory accessory performance 2-1 exhaust on my Hammer S looks lovely. Deep chrome, neat welds and a shape that really suits the hot-rod shape of my Victory.

So I’m gutted that I’ve damaged it. Not maliciously, or in an act of stupidity, but through enjoying it a bit too much.

The hero blobs don’t take much to dispense with – before they even wear out they tend to catch cracks and lumps in the road and snap.  

After that the footpegs wear, and when those are worn, solid bits deck – the footrest hangers, and then the silencer. There’s a small scuff at the front edge and the back edge. D’oh! 

It must have only been gently kissing the floor over bumps, because it hasn’t made a racket or levered wheels off the floor.  

Thing is, it’s much better without hero blobs, so I’ll just have to reign my enthusiasm in a bit to prevent further dragging now the weather is hot and dry enough to really enjoy walloping along backroads.

Further reading:
Staff bike blogs | Victory Hammer S blog


Chris Newbigging

By Chris Newbigging