257bhp Icon Sheene: it runs!
MCN tested the Icon Motorcycles’ £107,000 Barry Sheene tribute bike at Silverstone this week with the world exclusive first test in next week’s paper.
The Sheene Icon is an extraordinary machine but its first shakedown test at Silverstone proved there is still plenty of development work to be done.
MCN’s Senior Road Tester Michael Neeves was among the first people to ride the bike in anger and reported that a narrow powerband and excessive weight made it unsuited to fast track riding.
Neeves said: “Before I tentatively swung a leg over the only Icon Sheene in existence, it had only done a few miles since being built.
“Although it’s been two years in the making, now it’s actually built and running it’s at the beginning of its journey to being a fully-functional road bike, the first of a 52 its creator, Andrew Morris plans to sell.
You can read the full test in the paper out next Wednesday on May 5.