Picture special: Kawasaki's KLX140 off road motorcycle invites you to play
The idea of a purpose-built, off-road ‘playbike’ may be an unfamiliar one in the UK, but in the USA it’s big business, as proven by Kawasaki’s all-new KLX140.
‘Playbikes’ are essentially what the name implies – a novice and teenager-friendly, small capacity dirtbike for just that, playing on in your larger than average American back yard. But Kawasaki’s KLX140 newcomer has taken the concept a stage further.
When Kawasaki decided to develop what it claims to be the ultimate version, it assembled a development team of pro motocross riders, youth testers, and the vital ingredient of Kawasaki’s motocross engineers.
The result is a high tech, high performance enduro, albeit of only 144ccs, that’s versatile enough to appeal to a wide range of riders, young and old.
Want to know more about the Kawasaki KLX140? See this week’s MCN, available from Friday, December 28, 2007 for the full road test and specifications.
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