Women in Moto event is a hit | MCN takes part in weekend celebrating female riders

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MCN attended the Women in Moto show at Uttoxeter Race Course last weekend with the event celebrating its biggest attendance since it began in 2021.

Created by Lindsay Atkinson, the event welcomes all genders but centres on supporting women. Atkinson said: “This is all about bringing the community together and giving a safe space for people to try new things – the wheelie machine, Motogymkhana, the Honda CBT refresher. It’s just giving people that extra space.”

MCN reader Joanne Watkins, 31, attended the event for the first time this year after recently completing her CBT. She said: “I love it. I went somewhere the other day on my bike and this woman said I was the first female biker she had ever seen. I think there are plenty of us out there, but you don’t necessarily see us.”

Women in Moto organiser celebrates a successful weekend

But this event brought over 1650 attendees together for a weekend of workshops such as essential bike maintenance, talks including a panel discussion featuring MCN Editor, Emma Franklin, plus test rides and bike training.

“It was brilliant to meet so many MCN readers here and talk to riders who’d been inspired by our annual WoMCN supplement,” Franklin said. “There’s loads of feel-good, everyone’s smiling and up for getting involved.”