Report reveals that public concern with UK road conditions are at highest levels ever

Discontent regarding the state of the UK road network is at an all-time high, as more people than ever express concern with the shoddy state of repair across local and major routes

Data published by the RAC suggests that 56% of people surveyed said the level of road maintenance carried out is among their top motoring concerns, higher than any other factor. This figure is up 7% from last year. 

The RAC said that 86% of motorists surveyed also perceive potholes to be the road defect that poses the greatest risk. Lack of drainage and faded road signage also made-up significant proportion of complaints. 

Biker on road in poor state of repair

This discontent is echoed by other bodies too. MCN spoke with IAM RoadSmart Policy Adviser, Neil Greig, who said: “For motorcyclists in particular, it’s not just a pothole, it could be a matter of life or death. All sorts of problems can arise out of poor road conditions, and they’re not just limited to vehicle damage. 

“What we would like to see is a long-term plan. One of the last things the previous government announced was plans to divert £8.3bn from the HS2 budget and put that towards road maintenance. We need the new government to confirm whether they will be continuing with this – which we obviously hope they do. 

“The key thing about that £8.3bn is that it represents a long-term investment and that’s what we really need,” he continued. “Just filling in potholes is no good, especially for bikes. Patching roads just leads to more loose gravel and more opportunities to lose control. We need a long-term solution which means getting the roads right rather than playing catch-up.” 

Motorcyclist approaching pothole

While both the IAM and RAC, as well as many road users, are hoping for clarification on funding allocation to address these apparent failings, this may not come until the Budget, at the end of October.

Alongside speaking to industry figures, MCN also took to our #Ride5000miles Facebook group, asking motorcyclists if the condition of roads has become of increasing concern. 

A whopping 98% of respondents answered ‘yes’, with MCN reader Barry Thompson commenting: “Anyone using the roads in the UK can’t surely think they’re in any fit state. The majority are not fit for purpose, quite a lot are downright dangerous and then there’s road marking, signs covered and road sweeping not happening.” 

Motorcyclist on road with potholes to side

Fellow group member, Alan Waters added: “I had an off as a direct result of poorly maintained roads. I broke my shoulder and haven’t been able to ride since.”

This comes just one month after the National Audit Office (NAO) released a report which outlined gaps in the Department for Transport’s information on the condition of local roads.  

Jonny Mood, NAO Director, said: “Fewer roads are being maintained, and people are becoming increasingly unhappy with their condition. The DfT has allocated £1.2 billion for repairs this year. However, the backlog in repairs is also increasing, with industry estimating that the bill to return roads to a good state of condition now stands at over £15bn. 

Pothole in a road

“We recommend that the Department works with local authorities to plug gaps in its data and that it reviews its approach.”