North Yorkshire police loaned BMW M1000RR superbike to promote road safety over Bank Holiday

North Yorkshire Police officers will be taking to the roads this coming weekend with a 209bhp BMW M1000RR in a bid to promote safer motorcycle riding.

The £30,940 four-cylinder superbike that forms a basis for the World Superbike racing machine is on loan to the force and will be used as an engagement tool, to speak with riders and encourage them to use their bikes in a sensible manner.

Front view of BMW M1000RR with police stickers

“We have some stunning scenery in North Yorkshire, and we want everyone who uses the roads this weekend to enjoy their journey but to also get home safely,” a statement read. “Motorcycles make up around 1% of road traffic, but in 2021 accounted for 20% of road fatalities and 12% of road casualties in Great Britain.”

Although the force are using the Bank Holiday weekend to speak with motorcycle riders and car drivers, they say that anyone seen acting illegally will be dealt with appropriately.

“With this being the last Bank Holiday before Christmas, we are expecting our beauty spots and road network to be very busy,” Inspector Clive Turner from the Roads Policing Group said. “This operation is one of several different approaches that we have taken this year to engage with the motorcycle community to encourage responsible riding.

Rear view of BMW M1000RR loaned to North Yorkshire Police

“Everyone has the right to use the roads safely and we want all road users to be more considerate of each other, regardless of their vehicle choice.”

It’s not the first time the North Yorkshire team have employed a use of fast motorcycles. In 2023, they began using an unmarked supercharged Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX to patrol the road network.