Kent Motorcycle Action Group team up with local police and Medway Council to host popular anti bike theft event

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Kent representatives from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) joined forces with local police officers and the Medway Council to host a recent in-person workshop tackling bike theft.

Taking place at Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre on Saturday, August 24, the day welcomed riders and motorcycles of all capacities, with experts on hand to deliver advice on theft prevention, as well as hand out free security, marking equipment and more.

“MAG sets itself up as a riders’ rights organisation, so we have to be seen to be doing something,” South East Regional Representative, Stephen Mallett told MCN. “A friend of mine who’s been riding for years just stopped at a cash machine, jumped off his bike, turned his back, turned back around and the bike had gone. You’ve just got to lock them up every time.

Motorcycles parked at Kent MAG anti theft event

“It shouldn’t be this way, but unfortunately motorcycles are magpie objects that glitter in the sunlight and people nick them. This is the trouble.”

Despite poor weather conditions and heavy rain on the day, the event was well attended, with 30 Oxford locks also handed out to riders in need.

Mallett continued: “I think because it was such bad weather, people actually came along to it rather than go to the beach, or ride into the country.”

Previous incentives

Kent Police banner

This day of action was the first of its kind, however a larger public meeting was organised in March 2023 following public frustration at the ongoing criminality. This again featured MAG members, as well as the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, and local councillors.  

Following that meeting, Medway Council were given funding to add locking bars in almost all of the remaining council owned carparks in the local area – giving riders something to chain their bikes to.

“It’s not a lot, but it’s something and we wouldn’t have got it otherwise,” Mallett continued – further confirming that another community event is now being planned for Saturday, October 12 in Chatham.

“The key message for any owner is to ensure that, wherever possible, your bike has layers of security which will deter potential thieves or make the process of stealing it significantly more protracted and a potentially a lot louder,” PC Robert Goble of Kent Police said. “For the most part, criminals are looking to complete the offence unnoticed before fleeing the scene within seconds.

Visitors talking at Kent MAG anti theft event

“Many owners were pleased to meet us and talk through the measures they can take to prevent theft. I would like to thank the shopping centre staff and our partners for making the day such a success.”

Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement, Cllr Alex Paterson further added: “Events like this are a great example of effective partnership working, with members of the community being able to come along and get expert advice on how to keep their motorbikes safe and deter theft. 

“We want all road users in Medway to feel safe at all times – whether it’s when they’re walking, cycling, driving or even parking. Earlier this year, following a successful grant application to the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, we were able to install nine secure motorcycle hoops across five of our council-owned car parks. It is great to be able to provide things like that for our residents.”