No Room For Error review: TT docuseries takes you behind the curtain at the world’s most dangerous motorcycle race

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When road racing returned to the Isle of Man after the Covid-19 pandemic it did so with an army of camera operators, boom mics, and steady cams – following the every move of the riders to create a gritty behind the scenes docuseries detailing the immense highs and tragic lows of the sport.

Called No Room For Error the four-part series will be broadcast over four consecutive nights from Monday, 22 May 2023 on ITV4 and ITVX, as well as on the event’s own streaming platform TT+.

Following the racing action across 2022, the series features fan favourites like 23-time winner John McGuinness MBE, lap record holder Peter Hickman, and 21-time winner Michael Dunlop, as well those taking to the 37.73-mile course for the first time and the commitment it takes just to make it to the start line.

Peter Hickman celebrates victory at the 2022 Isle of Man TT

Ahead of its public debut, MCN got the chance to watch all four episodes, which follow the fortnight of practice and racing in a chronological order that’s understandable and engaging for those coming to the sport for the first time, whilst remaining utterly gripping for those that have followed it for years. I told myself I would spread the viewing out over a week, but promptly binged the lot over two consecutive evenings.

As well as explaining how the practice and racing works, the episodes take you behind the curtain and show the riders for exactly who they are – a band of down-to-earth family-orientated folk, who give everything they have to experience the world’s most challenging race track.

It also shows the racing from the rest of the family’s perspective – entertaining the kids and keeping themselves busy whilst their relatives are riding as fast as possible around the mountain circuit.

Dean Harrison on Glencrutchery Road during the Senior TT at TT2022 (Credit: Tony Goldsmith)

Little gems like James Hillier saying goodbye to his mum before heading out for the first night of practice, and Dean Harrison having to console his young crying daughter with a chocolate ice cream just minutes after spraying the champagne on the Senior TT podium show these superstars in more of a human way than many TT docs I’ve seen before. It’s relatable, and lovely to see.

Of course, alongside the highs of the podium, road racing also brings the extreme lows and TT 2022 was no exception – with six competitors losing their lives to the track. This series doesn’t shy away from this, openly accepting the reality of what can happen when it goes wrong – with the added injection of honest interview segments from the riders on just how they deal with the loss, weigh up the risk in their own minds, and carry on for the rest of the festival.

There’s no showboating, no egos, and you really do get the feeling that they all care for and respect one another immensely. If you’ve not experienced the TT before, then it’s a fantastic education. If you’re already a fan, there’s still so much to learn.

My only major gripe is that there’s only four episodes. Can we have some more please!

Overall verdict is five stars out of five

Get money off a TT+ subscription

If you fancy watching the series, as well as all of the racing at this year’s Isle of Man TT, be sure to purchase a TT+ Live Pass using code MCN15 at the checkout for 15% off. Get yours now, by clicking here. Offer valid until Sunday, 11 June.

No Room For Error: IOM TT documentary lets viewers behind the scenes

First publish 10 May 2023 by Dan Sutherland

Dean Harrison and Peter Hickman celebrate on the TT podium

Organisers of the Isle of Man TT are taking you behind the scenes of the world’s toughest road race with a new documentary called No Room For Error. All episodes will be available on ITV4 and ITVX from Monday, May 22. It will also be available via the event’s own streaming platform TT+.  

The series will take viewers behind the curtain at the 2022 TT races – the event’s first return to the island since Covid-19 – and will follow on-track rivalries, the people behind the scenes, and how riders weigh up the risk and reward.

Speaking about the Superbike race in the series trailer, TT winner Lee Johnston said: “It’s Manchester to London, on an A-road, in two hours… It’s f*****g mental, innit.” Sums it up quite nicely, we reckon.

This is added to by Lightweight TT winner James Hillier, who adds: “You don’t know what could happen, you might not be getting back in your bed tonight. You could be in a box, or in hospital.”

Watch the trailer below or sign up for TT+.