1500 miles in 32 hours: Group hits all four points of the compass for charity

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Five riders from Suffolk have raised £3672 for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices by riding from John o’ Groats to Lowestoft, via St Davids and Land’s End – the most northerly, southerly, easterly, and westerly points of Britain.

With the 1500-mile trip completed in 32 hours, the money raised will now go towards supporting families and providing care for children with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk.

When combined with Gift Aid, the total extends past £4000 – far more than the £3000 total the team originally set out to achieve.

East Anglia Children's Hospice charity riders take a quick nap

The ride took place over the last weekend of April but the Just Giving page remains open for donations. Ian Charlesworth, who was one of the riders on the trip, told MCN: “To be honest, I thought we’d be lucky to raise 200 to 300 quid!

“We’d all kept going on adrenaline but then when we finished and took some photos and got off the bikes I was walking like a 90-year-old!”

To donate, visit the group’s JustGiving page.