Operation Capio launched - Northumbria Police step up efforts against anti-social motorcycle riding

Northumbria Police have launched a force-wide operation to tackle anti-social motorcycle related crime – stating that offending riders will be arrested, with their bikes seized and crushed.

Operation Capio was launched in December 2023 following a £196,000 grant being awarded from the Home Office’s Safer Streets funding program. This came after a bid was submitted via Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness.

“Efforts to tackle motorbike anti-social behaviour are being really ramped up,” PCC McGuinness said. “We are talking about motorbikes that are unroadworthy, unsafe and that are being used to cause unwelcome behaviour in our communities.

“If it’s a stolen bike, and we can trace its owner, it will be returned but if you’re riding an off-road bike illegally it’s only a matter of time before officers will catch you and your bike will head off to the crusher.”

Building on existing work carried out by officers, it’s hoped the new cash injection will allow for an increase in dedicated action to tackle the problem. This will include a use of drones to gather intelligence, as well as a special taskforce in South Tyneside and Sunderland.

Chief Inspector Neil Hall, leader of Operation Capio for Northumbria Police, said: “We fully recognise the impact motorcycle disorder can have on residents – with these vehicles often being ridden in a dangerous and anti-social manner.

“We also often find that the riders involved in this type of behaviour are linked to other criminality such as burglary, drug dealing and theft,” Chief Insp Hall continued. “The launch of Operation Capio comes as a direct response to the concerns being raised by residents and will strengthen our approach to fighting crime and keeping people safe.”

To assist with their work, the force are also urging members of the public to help by sharing details including registrations of anti-social riders, the time and date of incidents, the location of bikes, rider descriptions, and more.