Devon and Cornwall Police catch 20 illegal drivers on first day of drink and drug driving crackdown

Police in Devon and Cornwall are cracking down on drink and drug drivers this Christmas period. Officers detected more than 20 offences in just a few hours of the first operation on the A30 Victoria interchange at Roche, Cornwall.

Police detected uninsured drivers, illegal mobile phone use, drug possession, a stolen vehicle, a drug driver, and more during the first day of Operation Limit, part of the South West’s Vision Zero Road Safety Pledge which aims to reduce fatal and serious collisions in the area.

“The vast majority of drivers in Devon and Cornwall are considerate, respectful and law-abiding road users – so it’s really troubling that officers were able to detect so many offences in such a short space of time,” said Inspector Greg Hodgkiss of Devon & Cornwall Police’s Roads Policing Team.

Vision Zero sand art

“This is just the first operation of many that will be taking place across the region at various times and in different locations, so if you choose to break the law on one of our roads you are very likely to be caught.

“As these results show, although the focus of this operation is preventing impaired driving, our officers will also be on the lookout for other offences, so please don’t take any unnecessary risks.”

In a bid to raise awareness of road safety and commemorate the lives that were lost on Devon and Cornwall’s roads in 2022, a huge piece of sand art has also been commissioned in the region.

Sand art commissioned by Vision Zero in the South West

The 50-metre wide spiral motif contains 47 hearts, one for each of the people who died last year. Eventually, the artwork is washed away by the tide symbolising the commitment to reduce fatal and serious collisions to zero.