Police use drone to tackle antisocial biking

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Operation Dove has seen officers in Lancashire team up with a police drone team to tackle the antisocial and illegal use of off-road motorbikes in the Burnley and Padiham areas.

The unmanned craft was enlisted to help after a spate of antisocial riding was reported in the area and has already helped to identify a youth who managed to evade police.

“The young male who made off from the drone as part of the operation was identified and has this morning been interviewed and faced with the evidence from the footage has fully admitted various motoring offences and has been passed to the Youth Offending Team,” the force said on their Facebook page.

“Acting upon the intelligence and information supplied we targeted specific areas. Two riders were identified and upon attempting to leave one rider was detained. He has been reported for a variety of motoring offences and his bike seized.

“Earlier on in the month an off-road bike had made off from patrols. Enquiries have been made and the rider identified, he has been reported for the offences and will be dealt with by the court. A note to riders who want to flaunt the law is ‘watch out the drone is about.’ “

And Burnley aren’t the only force to have had success in fighting moped crime in July. Officers acting as part of Operation Yellowfin in Grimsby have been working with the local community to fight illegal riding, too.

“We received an email from someone reporting that a motorcycle had been ridden antisocially,” said Inspector Mark Fletcher.

“Officers carried out investigations into the report and a suspect was identified, located and will soon be appearing before the court. 

“We also had a message, via My Community Alert, about young people riding a motorbike on the fields and woods near Foxhills.

Officers from Operation Yellowfin in action

“The team received the message and went straight to the area. Once there, the teens tried to hide the bike and run away however, they were stopped by officers. We seized the bike and reported the teens for roads offences.

“These examples highlight what can be achieved when we work with the community and I would like to reiterate how important it is that we continue working together. 

“Finally, to those that choose to ride bikes antisocially or illegally – not only are you having an impact on your community but you are also putting yourself and others in danger and that is something that we will not accept.”

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