Lyndon Poskitt goes on tour

Globetrotting adventurer and rally racer Lyndon Poskitt is hosting a series of talks up and down the country promising an evening of fun anecdotes and the odd story of daring do.

If you’re not familiar with Lyndon he spent five years riding around the world, racing in rallies on every continent.

Along the way he went through 74 countries, covered 143,000 miles and even manged to compete in two Dakar rallies.

The speaking tour runs from November 18 – 22, starting in Glasgow, then heading to Birmingham, Cardiff, London and Manchester.

As well as talking about the trip, Lyndon will also have his bikes on display and talk through the challenges that face such machines. Tickets cost £16.80, so for more info or to book, head to

Dakar hero Poskitt welcomed home after five years

First published: 10.07.2019

Lyndon Poskitt poses with a fan

Dakar rider and global adventurer, Lyndon Poskitt, arrived back home last weekend to a hero’s welcome as fans flocked to meet him in Settle, Yorkshire, on the final day of his five-year lap of the globe.


Poskitt originally set out in 2014 with a plan to lap the world within 18 months but it turns out that racing on every continent, competing in two Dakar rallies and covering 143,000 miles takes quite a bit longer.

“Getting home is a bit of a weight off to be honest,” Poskitt told MCN. “The last year or so I’ve been looking forward to getting back and that’s why I knew it was time.

“I wanted to go to Africa but there was so much going on that I almost didn’t want to go but I knew I had to, to finish Races2Places.

“People keep asking if I’m disappointed that it’s over – but it’s not over! For me, Races2Places was chapter one in my adventure life and now chapter two is coming.”

If you’ve not followed Poskitt’s story his Races2Places project has seen him touring the world on an old KTM 690 Rally bike called ‘Basil’ – linking rally raid events with adventure rides.

The trip has seen him racing as far afield as Australia, Africa, South America and even Mongolia. Along the way he’s fitted in two Dakars in the unsupported Malle Moto class, one of which resulted in a second-place finish, all while filming for YouTube. But surely it can’t all be over now?

“People might think I rushed Africa a bit, especially towards the end but when you read the book you’ll know why. But I’ve done so much more than I expected. I never dreamed of going through 74 countries, or exploring the places I did.

“I wouldn’t say no to racing Dakar again. I’ve got no plans but I’m an adventurous guy and I like riding motorbikes, so who knows? For now, I’ve got a lot more plans to continue with the videos.

“There’ll be more racing and more adventure but it’ll be different. I’ve got an exciting racing project to announce for January, then there will be more adventures later in the year but they’ll be much shorter in duration – maybe only a couple of weeks.”

And the immediate future? “I’ve got a very patient fiancée to see and a wedding to plan!”

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