DIY public motorbike garage open for business

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Have you ever wished you could work on your own bike, but lack the tools or the space to do it? A new garage in Bury could be the place for you.

‘That Bike Place’ is a DIY motorbike garage where customers can rent a ramp and tools by-the-hour to service or repair their own machines.

Business partners Phil Salter and Matt Phillips had the idea for the venture when they discovered a friend was being charged £200 for a simple chain replacement.

Mr Salter told the Bury Times: “We have done it very quickly. We have worked together on other projects over the years and Matt saw a gap in the market and we discovered that, as far as we know, there was no one else doing this sort of thing in the UK.

“Everyone we have spoken to without exception has said what a great idea it is. People want to tinker with their bikes but do not have a ramp or space at home.”

Mr Phillips added: “If people know what they are doing they can do it themselves. We decided to make a facility for them to do that and it has evolved from there. We are doing everything that is bike oriented.

“It is everything that a biker could possibly want.”

The garage will also offer an eco-friendly bike cleaning service, which will use a waterless spray.

To book a ramp call: 0161 399 0161.