Video: Motorcyclist jumps over open motorway

By Liam Marsden
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California Highway Patrol are currently investigating after a video showing a motorcyclist jumping over an open motorway was posted to Instagram. The video has so far been viewed over 130,000 times.


The key board warriors were out in full force. Where are you now #katsandrisleap #nolimits

A post shared by @kyle_katsandris on Mar 3, 2017 at 10:29am PST


The rider and a team of people had to build a take off ramp in to the existing hill to enable the rider to clear the huge gap – a four lane motorway.


The video was posted to the account of Kyle Katsandris. It’s unclear if he’s the rider who performed the stunt, but there are several posts on his account showing a rider wearing very similar gear and riding a Kawasaki Motocross bike like the one used in the stunt.

The video was uploaded on Friday March 4, and by Saturday Police had found the makeshift ramp and blocked the trail with trees and debris to stop any future attempts.

The rider is currently been pursued for trespassing on state property, and reckless endangerment while operating a motorised vehicle.


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Liam Marsden

By Liam Marsden

Former MCN Web Producer