Triumph announce motorcycle steering wheel

April fools!

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It’s that time of year again, where you momentarily get taken in by outlandish stories before glancing at your phone and noticing it’s April 1. This year both Honda and Triumph have both tried their hand at comedy, with their in-car dating app and steering wheel attachment respectively.

We’ll start with Honda, those well-known purveyors of laughs – who claim to have developed an in-car dating app which uses the windscreen wipers to swipe left or right on any potential matches.


The fictional app, called H-Swipe, connects to an ‘innovative digital windscreen and interactive directional s-wipers’ and the driver uses these wipers to accept or reject their potential matches. The system can only be used at a fictional standstill, though.

Apparently, Jōdan de Eipurirufūru, Future Opportunity Occupational Lead, says, “We know how much time people spend in the car daily so we thought…why not use this as another opportunity to find your perfect match!

“We’re also extremely passionate about innovation at Honda, and H-Swipe, is the next step in offering our customers unrivaled experiences that fit into their busy lifestyles.”

We’re swiping left on this one.

British manufacturer Triumph have also joined in on the fun, announcing their steering wheel attachment to attract more car drivers over to two wheels. This one even managed to fool one member of the MCN team. D’oh. 

The imaginatively named HandleWheel fits directly to the top yoke of some Triumph model, just like a conventional handlebar setup and also features Triumph Rider Intuitive Control Keys (TRICK) system, which enables the rider to control switches such as the horn and indicators through voice commands.

Just look at the pictures. It looks ridiculous.

Triumph have put a price of £300 on the HandleWheel (not including fitting costs) and say it will be available at test centres across the UK for beginners taking their first steps into the world of motorcycling.

This quote, from Triumph Motorcycles UK & Ireland general manager Paul Lilly, is gold: “At the moment, the HandleWheel is available only in the UK, but in due course we will adapt a version that will be suitable for driving in Europe and other countries where they drive on the right-hand side of the road.”


Looking for the perfect two-wheeled companion? Visit MCN Bikes For Sale website or use MCN’s Bikes For Sale App.

Liam Marsden

By Liam Marsden

Former MCN Web Producer