Two Wheel Tuesdays at Norfolk’s Ox & Plough pub
There are few more perfect settings for a bike meet than a traditional village green and Two Wheel Tuesday at the Ox & Plough in Old Buckenham features one of the largest in the country.
This laid-back gathering attracts around 700 bikes every week with as much variety as you’d find at any major show, or indeed museum for that matter – from state-of-the-art sportsbikes, fully loaded grand tourers and blinged-out customs to classic British thumpers, smoking two-strokes and even minuscule monkey bikes, there will always be something to either lust over or grow dewy eyed with nostalgia for.
Two Wheel Tuesday came about four years ago when Ben Devlin, proprietor of the Ox & Plough, was looking for a way to indulge in his passion for motorcycles whilst balancing his busy life as a publican and racing driver.
“On our opening night we had 30 bikes,” says Ben, “16 of which belonged to my brother and me, including two non-running scooters and a Harley on its last legs. It was a labour of love and we hoped that we might build up to 60 or 70 on a regular basis, but year-on-year numbers have doubled to grow into this incredible event.”
Ben was mindful of the effect such an influx could have on the village, but residents have embraced the idea and it has full support of the local constabulary too; it is very much a family event and this combines with the respectful attitude of those riding in to create a relaxed atmosphere.
It’s a positive message that Ben hopes to promote elsewhere to show just how beneficial bikes can be to a small pub.
Liquid refreshment is of course available, whilst the curry wagon and sausage grill provide top quality food – there may well be a festival atmosphere, but prices are as realistic as you’ll find anywhere.
Two Wheel Tuesday has all the sights, sounds and smells that make a bike meet truly special and it’s a guaranteed hit for a ride out this summer.
If you’re hosting a bike event please email them to