Barry the Bike children's books launched

By MCN News

Barry the Bike is a new children’s book series, which centres on classic bikes, cars and trucks. Barry the Bike is the centre figure of the tales and takes the form of a cheery postal bike ridden by Tom the postman.


Barry isn’t the only two-wheeled character in the series. He’s joined by Max the BSA. Max looks like a right miserable old sod, and I advise Barry to stay away from him:

Ralph the Ariel, who looks like he might be upto something:

Suzie the Scooter:

Roger the Norton, who looks like he’s been around the block and knows a thing or two:

And Colin the AJS who looks very smiley and innocent:

There’s also a sidecar named Humphrey, and a couple of trucks.

If you want to give Barry and his classic friends a bit of a makeover, there are also colouring pages which can be downloaded from the Barry the Bike website free of charge.

There are currently three books available, all priced at £6.99, and they can be ordered online at

Have a browse for your next bike on MCN Bikes For Sale website or use the MCN’s Bikes For Sale App.

MCN News

By MCN News