Ice bike frozen for four years brought back to life

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A Victory V92 TC frozen inside a massive block of ice in 2011 has been restarted after just one hour of workshop fettling.

The bike was frozen for four years at the Swedish Ice Hotel to celebrate the purchase of a 15-strong fleet of Victory motorcycles and was later exhibited at the Motorcyclist Show in Sweden in 2011.

After four years the hotel decided it was time to defrost bike and moved it outside to melt. A short while later Stonetown Custom shop in Sweden took the bike in and fired it up for the first time. The only new part needed was a replacement battery, with even the original spark plugs staying in place.

 You can watch a video here: 

 Niklas Frisk, of Victory, has overseen the re-birth of the ‘Ice Bike’ and said: “The bike started without any big hassle after four years in ice.”

“The ‘Ice Bike’ already had a hard life before we froze it. It was originally a ‘shaker’ bike at the R&D facility at Polaris in the USA. It was on a shaker rig and did the equivalent of 300,000km.

“After that the bike came to Sweden for technical training so that mechanics in Europe could learn how to service and repair the engine. It means the engine has probably been disassembled a couple of hundred times as well!

The owner of Stonehouse Custom, Andreas Sedin, said: “To torture a bike like this and it still works after being in ice and water for so long, is really amazing.”

Andy Downes

By Andy Downes

Former MCN Senior Reporter