Two-stroke aftershave could be a reality
For those of you who love the smell of two-stroke fumes, a company in the US is trying to put their two-stroke aftershave into production via crowdfunding website Kickstarter.
The creators of 2 STROKE believe they have found the perfect combination with their fragrance, mixing the two-stroke smell with the ‘softer tones’ of douglas fir shavings, pine and spruce. They’ve conducted ‘extensive market research’ in ‘controlled and uncontrolled experiments about town’. Or, according to the video, they asked women in bars if they liked the smell of two-stroke fumes.
With seven days to go the company, Western Scents, has raised $1,717 of their $7,810 goal. If you want the opportunity to walk round smelling of two-stroke, you can donate here. Should the funding goal be reached, they expect the product to be ready by May 2016.