Product review: Motovudu2

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Motovudu 2, Dark art of Performance, £19.99
Michael Neeves
Time used: All 93 pages in two sittings
What’s good? Ex-500cc GP and WSB star Simon Crafar’s first book dealt with all the riding tips you need to go fast around a track, from the perspective of a man who’s won at the very highest level. Reading the first Motovudu, and getting tuition from Crafar at one of his training days, fundamentally changed the way I ride and helped me win a club racing championship. Motovudu 2 aims to take your track riding, or racing, to the next level. It deals with the one controversial truth never touched-on by rider skills books, DVDs or schools: to go fast you have to push very hard… and you might crash. Motovudu 2 tells you the time and place to push the front and rear tyres to the limit and what it will feel like when you do. Crucially it tells you when not to push… The book also deals with advanced racing lines, reference points, braking, race starts, riding on worn tyres, overtaking, practice and qualifying, fitness and general tips and tricks. There’s so much new information in the book I devoured it in two sittings and will continue to refer to it when the new racing season starts.
What’s not? Although you can use a lot of the riding tips from the first Motovudu book on the road, this second book is purely for track riding and racing.
Quality rating: 5/5
Value rating: 5/5

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