Norton cuts waiting time for new bikes

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Norton has cut the waiting time for new orders of the Commando 961 to six months; the shortest time since the British firm was reborn in 2009 thanks to improved parts supply.

Norton has not only cut the waiting time for new Commandos as a result of tackling parts supply issues but this is in the face of increased orders after the firm successfully achieved homologation for the 961 in America which has boosted sales.

The drop in waiting time is almost solely as a result of reducing the number of parts suppliers to keep a closer control over what it coming in to the factory and cutting the chances of a lack of parts causing delays to the building of bikes.

Norton owner Stuart Garner said: “This is the shortest wait we have ever had since we began and we are very proud of that. All Norton’s are hand-built to order so a wait of six months is part of this bespoke process. We are not building a big volume of bikes. The wait for a new bike is the shortest it has been since we began but the numbers of orders are now at the highest level since 2009.”