Got a top money saving cheat…then let us know
There are many ways of saving money when motorcycling; some simple and widely known, others less so. If you have a brilliant way of saving cash while you ride then let us know as we are compiling a list of the best.
A few we’ve already listed include:
• Taking your own wheels off a bike before a tyre change to save money on the change and learning to change your own oil and filter
• Putting a zip tie around the chinbar of your crash helmet to act as a cheap alternative to a visor insert by keeping it open a fraction
• Using electrical tape across the top of your visor as a sunvisor for those sunny, winter days
• Sticking bubble wrap under your jacket to act as a warming layer in winter
• Grabbing a few sets of garage forecourt plastic gloves for use in an unexpected downpour
Motorcyclists are some of the most inventive people out there so we really want to know your tips so we can share them around and let others know.
All you need to do is email them to