MCN’s website hits 1m users!

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Over a MILLION people used MCN’s website in March, confirming its position as by far and away the WORLD’S most popular motorcycling site.

In fact almost 1.1m motorcyclists visited the site to read the news, buy or sell a bike, compare insurance prices, get the best price on motorcycle gear and talk bikes.

That makes FIVE TIMES more popular than our nearest competitor.

Every year MCN publishes over 4000 news stories, hundreds of original videos and hosts tens of thousands of discussions about every conceivable motorcycling subject.

At any one time there’s an average 12,000 bikes for sale with stock updated multiple times daily, and the number of buyers and sellers is soaring, armed with over the 600 in-depth bike model reviews browsable on the site. is now more popular than any car website and twice as visited as the official MotoGP website the world over.

And no wonder with brilliant readers like you, and stats like these…

pages to browse

pages viewed a year

products for sale

news stories

countries reached

visits from Tajikistan