Motorcycle film festival to celebrate adventure riders

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A UK-based film festival will show footage of the greatest motorcycle journeys ever attempted, organisers have announced.

The Adventure Travel Film Festival aims to show “films that truly capture the spirit of adventurous, independent travel”.

Movies on display include: One Man Caravan [1933], The Rugged Road [1935], Motosyberia [2007], and cult travelogue Mondo Enduro [1995]: the film that apparently “inspired Long Way Round”.

The festival is being organised by husband and wife team Austin Vince and Lois Price. Austin directed and starred in Mondo Enduro, while Lois is author of travel series Lois on the Loose.

The event takes place in Bideford, Devon, from 3-5 June 2011. The films will also be shown at the Overland Expo in Arizona in April.

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