Putting an old bike back on the road

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Many of us have got one of our old bikes lurking at the back of the garage as a project to rebuild.

But they have been off the road for so long that they predate Statutory Off Road Notification regulations, so what happens if you rebuild it and put it back on the road?

Will the old numberplate still be active? Will you get hit with a fine for not registering SORN when the regulations changed?

The good news is you can keep the old registration mark as long as the bike has been repaired rather than rebuilt, i.e. its original parts used.

If it has been rebuilt with new parts, the motorcycle would need to be assessed (Local Office inspection) to establish if enough of the original vehicle had been used to retain its original registration number.

But if you have got the original engine and frame you should be in the clear. The INF 26 leaflet will guide you through the process.

You can find it at: http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/forms/onlineleaflets.aspx.