Anti-bike rants on newspaper website

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An opinion column calling speeding motorcyclists ‘immoral’ has prompted a string of anti-bike comments on the Guardian newspaper’s website.

Motorcyclists are referred to in readers’ posts as ‘organ donors’, ‘annoying’ and ‘desperate and stupid’.

One alludes to countering anti-social riding with the use of ‘piano wire’.

Another says: ‘Given the average age of riders and the fatality rate it is only a matter of time before this problem sorts itself out.’

Some posts have been removed by moderators.

The comments are in response to a column by Ed Douglas in which he describes a fatal car crash caused by a speeding motorcyclist.

In May, Daily Mirror columnist Paul Routledge called motorcyclists ‘pathetic’.

  • Click here to see the column

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell