What are you going to do for bikers in the election?

As it is becoming obvious that Labour are like to go down to the wire, and not call the election till May, NOW is the time for us riders to get organised!

“Riders are voters” (RAV) (http://www.ridersarevoters.org) is a joint campaign by MAG, BMF and the MCIA to encourage riders to vote in the forthcoming Election but MORE IMPORTANTLY to discuss issues with potential MPs.

2010 is the best chance in decades to really influence opinions so that we can get what riders want!

“But voting never changed anything” – well even if that were true (used the bus lanes in London since Boris was elected?) Not voting certainly NEVER changed anything!

Be under no misapprehension other “minority” groups (cyclists for one) WILL be VERY organised and unless we get involved we WILL lose out

Come on MCN lets all get behind this and at leats try and make a difference!


Reader's article

By guzzivee8