Plug and play traction control is here!

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The adjustable-for-sensitivity GRIPone traction control unit plugs into your bike, remaining inactive when you don’t need it, yet reducing the power to the rear wheel when your tyre starts to spin up.

Stay tuned for MCN’s first test of the unit on our long-term test Yamaha R1.

For now, revel in the full marketing blurb from the manufacturer…
What’s GRIPone
GRIPone is a universal device, designed to be easily connected to any vehicle and through which you can control the level of rear wheel slip.

It uses two wheel sensors and manages the power to restore perfect grip while driving.

How it works
GRIPone is a electronic traction control system that consists of two devices: the control unit GRIPone and two speed sensors.

These, working in unison, check the conditions of rear grip of the motorcycle. When it’s normal  the unit is not active.

When above-normal slip is detected, the control unit reduces engine power until the spinning is restored. Once the rear tyre’s grip comes back to normal the control unit will allow full power again.


1. Adjusting device. The settings of the five parameters that control the operation of the controller (SPINNING, CUT, ENGINE, RATIO, PULSE) is via two simple buttons and LEDs.

2. The consumption of electric current is very low: on average less than 50mA in standby mode.

3. Total customization possibilities. With GRIPone you can separately adjust the sensitivity to spinning ratio and the intensity of the control on the power of the vehicle.

4. New algorithm MTC. The Multi Threshold Control allows you to anticipate the opening of the gas because at the first slip of the rear tyre the unit starts to control the power very smoothly.

5. Variation of sensitivity remotely. On to the unit there is an additional connector for connecting the accessory “remote control” through which you can change the mapping without stopping the vehicle.

6. Alarm Spinning. The remote control lets you select between two maps and it provides an LED indicator to let you know when the traction control is working.

7. Spinning meter. The LEDs on the front of GRIPone inform the rider of the level of spin ratio.

Marc Abbott

By Marc Abbott