Haiti Earthquake Children’s Appeal

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We’ve all seen the shocking images from Haiti and heard how children in particular are being affected by the earthquake. 

I am writing to ask you now to join me to help raise funds for these children. 

As a UNICEF Ambassador and more especially as father, this is incredibly important to me. 

From my travels I’ve seen with my own eyes the extraordinary difference that is made through UNICEF’s work and there is something we can do to make a difference for these most vulnerable children.

The quake, which registered 7.0 on the Richter scale, was centred about 14 miles south-west of the capital city, Port-au-Prince.

It has had a huge impact on the whole country, but especially the most vulnerable – children and young people.

Nearly half of all Haitians are under 18, and hundreds of thousands of children have been injured, orphaned or separated from their families.

They are in desperate need of clean water, shelter, medical help and support.

The good news is aid is getting through – three planeloads of UNICEF supplies have already landed in Port au Prince and Santa Domingo, with more on the way.
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and UNICEF urgently needs funds to deliver essential emergency supplies to ensure the affected communities have access to safe water, basic health care and shelter.

I was amazed to hear that a gift of just £30 could provide 3 families with basic water kits!

Please support the children of Haiti by making a donation to UNICEF. UNICEF is not funded from the UN budget or the DEC, but relies entirely on voluntary donations to fund its work.

You can donate by visiting www.unicef.org.uk/haitibiker, by calling on 0800 316 5353 or make a cheque payable to UNICEF and send it to Bikers’ Support Haiti Appeal UNICEF UK, Freepost NAT 20886, Billericay, CM12 0BR.

If you would like to fundraise for the appeal the UNICEF team can support you with this and there are lots of materials on the website www.unicef.org.uk/emergencyfundraising.

You could arrange a sponsored ride out or bike washing in return for donations to UNICEF.

Best wishes and thank you in advance for any support you are able to give.