Elephant and Dragon Rally stories needed

By Andy Downes

Have you ever been to the Dragon or Elephant Rally?

If so, MCN would love to hear your stories and see some pictures explaining what it was all about and why you braved the weather to make it.

It doesn’t matter when you made it to either of the rallies – we just want to hear from you as you explain how and what happened.

Perhaps you have ridden through even more extreme conditions on your bike – all in the pursuit of fun? Let us know.

All you have to do is email a brief summary of what happened, when and send in a picture and make sure you put a phone number where we can give you a shout if needed.

Email your thoughts and pictures to alison.silcox@motorcyclenews.com and we’ll pick the best for inclusion in the paper on January 20.

Andy Downes

By Andy Downes

Former MCN Senior Reporter