CobraUSA RS750 retro specials

Cobra USA’s “Special Projects Division” have taken two Honda RS750s and decided to completely change their look. 
The first has become a CL77 Scrambler 305 look-a-like, while the second is patterned after a 1980s flat-track bike.
Cobra claim the transition was easy: “amazingly, there was no major surgery involved in turning the first bike from a 2010-model RS750 into a 1960s-style CL750 Scrambler.

“Because the twin up-pipes with their multi-louvered heat shields were such a signature item, we paid particular attention to their bends and how they tucked in.

“We trimmed about an inch and a half from each plastic sidepanel and rearranged the electrics underneath so the exhaust could snuggle up against the right side of the bike.” 

See the video below for more details:

Dan Aspel

By Dan Aspel