Harley pin-up Marisa Miller on why she loves bikes

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Harley ad pin-up Marisa Miller has told US Esquire magazine why she loves bikes:

1. Sex – A man on a motorcycle turns me on because a man on a motorcycle is automatically bad.  

2. Leather – Nothing’s sexier to women than a leather jacket.

3. Throbbing – A bike starting up gets me revved up.

4. Freedom – A woman likes a sense of adventure and endless possibilities.

5. The forbidden – Girls aren’t supposed to ride motorcycles. Having my H-D Nightster in my garage feels like I have an escape vehicle. Burnouts? Let’s just say women like to push themselves too.

6. Money – Harley pays me sh*tloads to spout this man-pleasing claptrap.
(PS – we made one of these up, guess which one)